Listen to & download my demos below!
Queer, Neurodivergent & Non-Binary Actor & Voice Actor

Listen to & download my demos below!
Queer, Neurodivergent & Non-Binary Actor & Voice Actor
Directed by Tom Keegan
Produced by Elements Demos
Directed by Rachael Naylor
Produced by Elements Demos
Directed by Rachael Naylor
Produced by Elements Demos
A comedic monologue from Quiche isn't Sexy by Gabriel Davies.
A dramatic monologue written by me, based on a true story.
My name is Florence, I'm a British Neurodivergent, Queer and Non-Binary Actor, Voice Actor, and writer.
Born in Bristol, and currently based in Leeds with my little rescue cat, Tea Cake.
My pronouns are She/They
I've had the pleasure of working in this amazing industry for a few years now and really couldn't imagine doing anything else.
Mocap trained, with plenty of quirkiness and a natural ability for comedy and character work, I always bring an intense vulnerability to every role I play.
I am very versatile and respond to any direction with ease.
My home setup is sound treated to a high standard with Rode NT-1A microphone, Focusrite Scarlett Solo preamp, Razer headphones and Hindenburg recording software.
Two Year Rep Acting Accelerator 2018 - 2020:
Commedia Dell Arte, Puppetry, Mime, Clown, Meisner, Grotovski, Laban, Uta Hagen, Stanislavski, African Dance, Shakespeare, Viewpoints, Chekov, Butoh, Stage Combat.
Rachael Naylor Voiceover Accelerator Program 2023 & 2024
Get Your Game On 2024: Jessica Jeffries Intensive Workshop
Online Workshops: Mindy Sterling, Tanya Buchanan, Thomas Mitchells, Lisa Ortiz, Tom Keegan, Brandon Cohen, Rachael Naylor, Kim Donovan, Portia Scott, Dean Panaro, Debi Derryberry, Kristin Paiva, Portia Scott, Sarah Jane Sherman + more
BAC Talent Management
For Film, Television, VO, and general Inquiries, please contact me via my email address below or use the chat box.
Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2024 Florence St Leger - All Rights Reserved.